Cannabis customers are savvier than ever. In order to stand out, you need to demonstrate value everywhere you can. Of course, stocking premium products is crucial, but just as essential is properly storing marijuana. Not only will this ensure that your products stay fresh, but it’s also a visual cue that exhibits your care for the customer experience.
Pre rolled cones are the ultimate convenience for your business and clientele; you don’t want them to go to waste. Let’s examine how to store cannabis to ensure that you maximize shelf life, customer satisfaction, and profit!
What’s the Big Deal?
It’s tempting to view storing marijuana pre rolls as a low priority. After all, the appeal of pre rolls is how much time it saves your business. Without rolling joints yourself, you cut back on labor costs and can focus on other parts of your shop. However, a little consideration goes a long way.
Marijuana is an incredible product. The care put into growing and harvesting it resembles an art form. Not only does this process help prevent obvious issues like mold, but it also ensures the plant’s terpenes remain intact. Knowing how to store cannabis is another crucial element in protecting terpenes.
The more we study marijuana, the more we realize how vital terpenes are to smoking. They give each strain its unique flavor and aroma and play an important role in the entourage effect. Terpenes interact with cannabinoids to create the unique psychoactive effects of smoking.
Fortunately, storing marijuana isn’t rocket science! It’s susceptible to a typical host of enemies, such as moisture, light, heat, and air. Proper packaging and storage make defending against these elements simple.
Keep Pre Rolls Fresh

Planning how to store cannabis is all about keeping your product fresh. Marijuana is organic and has a finite timeframe for ideal consumption.
Certain cannabinoids like THC and CBD have longer shelf lives. For this reason, it seems like pre rolls could last for years. Ask any longtime smoker and they’ll surely have a story about finding an old joint, shrugging off the years, and lighting up. However, the terpenes we discussed earlier don’t survive as long as cannabinoids.
Even though you could smoke an old pre roll and live to tell the tale, you’ll still notice the joint has gone stale. Terpenes evaporate over time, regardless of packaging. This means some desirable flavors and effects will go missing. Sell too many pre rolls like this, and you’ll get a bad reputation.
The key to storing marijuana pre rolls is to ensure you make them in appropriately sized batches. While it’s tempting to fill all your bulk pre rolled cones to get the job done quickly and save time, you’re doing customers a disservice. Make sure you don’t overwork your filling machine so your joints remain as fresh as possible.
A balance between monitoring heat and humidity is crucial for storing marijuana. Pre rolled joints and blunts with dried-out flower might turn off customers with harsher smoke and less flavor. Alternatively, moist joints might prove challenging to light or stay lit.
The ideal humidity level for weed lies in the 55%-65% range. For this reason, you may want to consider a climate-controlled inventory room or using a humidor when deciding how to store cannabis at your dispensary. Of course, most businesses lack such facilities.
To keep your product fresh without controlling the climate, store your pre rolls in a cool, dark place. Granted, you don’t want your storefront to have a foreboding, bat cave atmosphere. That’s why you’ll need quality pre roll packaging.
Types of Pre Roll Packaging

Before your customers spark up, they’ll start smoking your pre rolls with their eyes. Quality packaging signals premium products to consumers. When deciding how to store cannabis, keep in mind that a professional presentation helps you leave your mark.
Let’s look at the most popular and effective ways of storing marijuana at dispensaries and head shops.
Pop Up Tubes
Pop-up tubes, also known as doob tubes, are the industry standard for single pre rolled joint packaging. They’re convenient, portable, and easily branded. Pop-up tubes help eliminate customer concerns over how to store cannabis — simply keep your joint in its tube until you’re ready to smoke!
These cylindrical options are waterproof and airtight, ensuring weed stays cool and dry while keeping aromas at bay. Their 100% opacity also protects joints from light damage. Pesky little fingers won’t be able to work them either, making them child-resistant.
Humidity Packs
When selling multiple pre rolls in a package, humidity packs are a necessity. They keep a low profile but make a big difference in maintaining moisture and consistency between joints. Connoisseurs and newbies will immediately recognize a humidity pack as a sign that your business takes its bud seriously and knows how to store cannabis.
Plastic Wrapping
Using a form of plastic wrapping is particularly important when you’re selling multi-packs in paper packaging. The professional aesthetic of a cardboard box creates a lasting impression on consumers, but the paper isn’t strong enough to deter the elements. Creating a seal with plastic wrapping helps control temperature and keeps cannabis from drying out.
That’s a Wrap on Storing Marijuana
As the weed industry grows and becomes mainstream, shop owners need to carefully consider how to store cannabis. This organic product requires the same thoughtful and intentional storage as wine and tobacco because it’s just as susceptible to the elements.
If you’re looking to restock your pre roll cone and tube inventory, The Cones Factory can help. Contact us today to get rolling with bulk orders and custom cones!